Regardless of hair type or texture, everyone should be conscious of the damaging effects the sun can have on your hair and skin.

Those who colour their hair religiously will know that nothing fades your colour faster than a beach vacation. (Other than using dish soap as shampoo maybe). But even if you don't colour your hair, did you know that UV exposure can turn white/silvery greys yellow? 

A UV protector will keep your natural, or salon assisted colour looking true. Using a UV protector in combination with a purple shampoo is a perfect recipe for keeping natural greys icy. We love embracing a more natural and low maintenance look right now. But are hearing that some of our clients don't love the tone of their natural greys. This routine might help you to see a more desirable tone and healthy condition for your hair.

You've probably noticed the drying effect the sun has on your skin. The same goes for your strands. Hair can become more brittle and prone to breakage after sun exposure. So whether you are looking to keep your long locks healthy, or preserve and revitalize fragile hair (like me) you need to keep as much moisture in your hair as possible. A product like Bumble & Bumbles hairdressers invisible oil is a perfect combination of featherlight moisture, and UV/heat protection. Couple this detangling powerhouse product with a detangling brush for the most gentle out-of-the-shower routine.

Check out our sun protective products!

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